The Necessity Of Praise mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
Power Communion Service – Wednesday, 13th December 2023
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Anchor Scripture(s): Psalm 34:1
Message Topic: The Necessity Of Praise mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding how praise brings about the preservation of life
Praise is not just profitable, praise is critical/vital
Praise does not just bring profit, it is critical to life/existence
1. Praise undergirds our life and existence in the earth (Hab. 2:4; Ps. 150:6; 119:175; Isa. 38:18-20)
Praise is the tenancy we pay for the renewal of our residence in the earth
2. Praise is a trigger for potentials release (Isa. 43:21; 1 Sam. 10:5-6; 2 Sam. 23:1)
We were created and redeemed for praise (Isa. 43:21; 1 Pet. 2:9)
If you want to see the best of man, put him inside praise, which is the climate of God’s Presence.
If you want the best of you to come out, put yourself in the climate of praise and worship which is the climate of His Presence
Any time the devil wants your potential caged, he limits your praise
3. Praise is doorway to purpose fulfilment (Isa. 43:21; Ezek. 28:13-14; Acts 13:36, 13:1-2)
The elementary purpose of man is the purpose of praise
When your primary assignment is achieved, your secondary assignment is a walk over.
What is the use of life when purpose is not known?
4. Praise keeps us in God’s Presence, and the Presence of God is one of the most critical assets of man (Ps. 22:3; Ex. 33:14; Ps. 16:11; Ps. 114:1-8)
5. Praise keeps off the presence of the enemy (1 Sam. 16:23; Ps. 32:7)
You use praise for spiritual environmental sanitation
On the other hand, you suffocate your spiritual climate with depression
The praise you sing by yourself is good, but also the praise sung by anointed praisers is very potent
1. Determine to praise God as a lifestyle and a lifeline, not just as an item on the church program (Ps. 150:6)
2. Create the climate of thanksgiving, praise and worship perpetually around your life (Ps. 32:7)
3. Avoid murmuring, grumbling and complaining at all cost (1 Cor. 10:10)
Refuse to murmur and refuse to have murmurers around your life
Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
– Communion of Life!
– Depression dies in your body!
– Potentials are released!
– Purposed is fulfilled!
– The presence of God is established around you and that of the enemy is driven away!
– today marks the beginning of a change of story for your life!
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