Causes of Power Leakage mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
Power Communion Service – Wednesday, 29th November 2023
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Anchor Scripture(s): Judges 16:20
Message Topic: Causes of Power Leakage mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the factors that can lead to the leakage of power
There are many things to glean from the life of Samson as regards the leakage of power
1. The wrong association (Prov. 27:17; Acts 4:13; 1 Sam. 4:13; 22:1-2)
1a. Association defines value and virtue in the life of a person
1b. The right Association brings appreciation in value and virtue (Acts 4:13; 1 Sam. 4:13; 22:1-2)
If you carry power, you cannot afford the company of those who don’t value power, otherwise they will dry you up and drain you.
2. The lack of consecration (1 Kings 19:6-8; Luke 4:1-2; 2 Cor. 11:27; Judg. 15:18-19; 16:28)
2a. Consecration is key to transmission and manifestation of power
Consecration refers to seasons of separation – separation from food, lifestyle, habit, association etc.
3. The presence of transgression (Gen. 3:21-24; John 14:30; Acts 19:11-12; 1 Thess. 2:10)
3a. The life of disobedience to God
3b. The life of obedience of the devil
3c. The life lived for self
Transgression will lead to a disconnection of power and disruption of manifestation
4. The excessiveness of talk (Gen. 37:5-9; 3:1-End; Josh. 6:10; Prov. 10:19)
Excess talk, especially to the wrong people, can cause the loss of value and virtue
i. Joseph,
ii. Eve
iii. Samson
When you talk too much, something leaks.
When maximum power was needed for the collapse of the Jericho wall, the instruction was for them to keep quiet until it was time for maximal deployment
You are not under the obligation to talk every time people engage you
Most men of power are men of valuable words; they are highly thoughtful and meditative.
Your words determine your worth
5. The absence of the right voice (Ps. 29:4; Job 6:25; Eccl. 8:4; Judg. 16:16)
If you are connected to the right voice or the right words, you are connected to power (Job 6:25)
Samson was not connected to the voice of God, to the voice of his parents, to the voice of any mentor, or to the voice of any valuable friend
Samson did not listen to the voice of reason
Just as the right words carry power, the wrong words also carry negative power (Judg. 16:16)
Power must disappear when you don’t listen to the right voice
When you engage your thought, you magnify your result.
Father, thank You for Your goodness and mercies; thank You Lord for Your faithfulness. I ask that You deliver me from the plague of the wrong association, help me to maintain the right consecration, to run away from transgression, to run away from excessive talk, and to be connected to Your Voice all the time. I receive that grace Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
– Communion of transmission of the power of the Master and the prevention of any power leakage
– May the Lord engrace you to know how to speak the right words to the right people at the right time.
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