1/3 It's not by my strength and might Lord
That I live today
You are the reason why I live
You are the reason why I breathe
Through so many many many
traps of the wicked
I am alive and well today
I have no cause to be afraid
I hail You oh my Preserver
I hail You oh my Life-Giver
You can never
be taken unawares
You have never
been taken by surprise
2/3 It's not by my Wisdom Oh Lord
That I'm here today
You are the reason why I live
You are the reason why I breathe
Through those times when I didn't know how
I could have survived
You proved You are dependable
You have always known what to do
I hail You oh my Preserver
I hail You oh my Life-Giver
You can never
be taken unawares
You have never
been taken by surprise
3/3 It's not by my carefulness Lord
That I am alive
You are the reason why I live
You are the reason why I breathe
When I took steps Lord that I was
Never meant to take
You showed up to deliver me
You never left me to myself
I hail You oh my Preserver
I hail You oh my Life-Giver
You can never
be taken unawares
You have never
been taken by surprise.