The Roots Of Captivity (Bondage) (1&2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
October 2023 Impartation Service – Sunday, 15th October 2023
Listen To The Roots Of Captivity (Bondage) (1) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
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Listen To The Roots Of Captivity (Bondage) (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Download The Roots Of Captivity (Bondage) (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
October 2023 Impartation Service – Sunday, 15th October 2023
Message Topic: The Roots Of Captivity (Bondage) (1&2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
Anchor Scripture(s): Proverbs 26:2
1. Understanding the roots or causes of captivity and bondage
2. Understanding the way of freedom
Captivity and bondage don’t manifest without a cause
The Bible makes it clear that for every effect there is a cause, and for every outcome there is an input somewhere.
1. Self-imposed through ungodly lifestyle (Zech. 5:1-4; Jer. 22:13)
Every action that hurts people bring curses
Anything you do that offend God and causes pain to people bring curses
2. Ancestral/parental activity with the enemy (Josh. 7:24-25; 2 Kings 5:27; Jer. 31:29-30; 1 Pet. 1:18-19)
Achan (Josh. 7:24-25)
Gehazi (2 Kings 5:27)
Ancestral/parental activity or transaction at times flow down to the children or offspring as captivity especially those who don’t have a relationship with God
– Every trace of ancestral, generational or family curse, I declare it is broken!
3. The wrong or limiting mindset (Prov. 23:7; 2 Cor. 10:3-6; 2 Tim. 2:25-26)
Your thought affects your result
A stronghold is anything that holds you strong
Anything you THINK about your life is possible; If you THINK you CAN, you are RIGHT; If you
THINK you CAN’T, you are RIGHT (2 Tim. 2:25-26).
Make up your mind that you will not oppose yourself, but you will facilitate and celebrate yourself
You BEHAVE it to BECOME it
Give yourself the permission to succeed, excel, standout and to achieve anything possible in life
Do not impart your children with difficulty mentality
‘I shall not oppose myself. I refuse to be taken captive by the snare of the enemy!’
If you are not against yourself and God is not against you, nobody and nothing can be against you
4. The wrong utterance (Prov. 6:2,18:21KJV, TLB; Matt. 12:37; Num. 14:28; Philip. 4:19)
How you speak can chain you and bring you into bondage and captivity
Words can bring you into bondage and words can bring you into liberty
Your life turns in the direction of your tongue
What is not your intention must never be your utterance
Your life goes in the direction of your utterance
Whether the devil like it or not, YOUR DOOR MUST OPEN!
– A new day dawns for you
– A new door opens for you
– A new season comes for you
The whole of LIFE responds to SOUND!
Nothing works for the bad talker, everything works for the good talker
Your life and destiny is not at the mercy of society
5. Self-imposed through transaction with the enemy (Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 26:1)
Through covenants, agreements, or transactions with the devil, consultations with witch doctors, tarot cards, ouija boards, crystal balls etc. many have imposed captivity on themselves
There is no fellowship between light and darkness; what God cannot do for you let it remain undone, where God cannot take you, may you not reach there.
Never carry Bible plus, carry only Bible.
6. Witchcraft and diabolic attack (Acts 8:9-11; Gal. 3:1; Esth. 3:7; 9:23-24)
Many of us especially in Africa encounter household witchcraft
There is a connection between wickedness and witchcraft
When they come to you with wickedness, face them with audacity and lionity!
– Everywhere they care consulting for your sake, I decree today, that location is on fire right now!
7. The spirit of fear (Job 3:25; Isa. 14:3; Heb. 2:14-15; 1 John 4:18)
Fear puts people in bondage; it is a major invitation for captivity (Job 3:25)
Nothing is looking for you until you begin to fear it; you can only be located when fear can be sighted
Allowance for fear is allowance for bondage; anytime you allow fear into your house, prepare two beds – one for fear and one for his friend, bondage.
There is a demon of fear but today is the terminal date of that devil!
– Every useless demonic suggestion of hell sent in your direction is retrieved and refired to hell!
8. The wrong company (Prov. 13:20; Ps. 107:20; 2 Sam. 20:14-21)
Captivity and curses are sponsors of destruction (Ps. 107:20)
The company you keep can facilitate deliverance or facilitate destruction
The wrong company are people whose influence in your life will culminate in your destruction
In this world, not everyone you see is a good person; there are many many wicked souls.
Don’t force yourself to be comfortable around anybody with whom you have lost your peace
Save your head; don’t be destroyed.
– Nobody will take your life or exchange your destiny!
Don’t sink with anybody that wants to sink
Some people are not immediately helpable; you do not give them space in your life at the expense of your own destiny
1. Retrace your steps and renounce obligations to the enemy where necessary (Matt. 12:37; Prov. 18:21)
2. Renew your mind with the truth of the Word of God (Rom. 12:1-2; John 8:32, 36)
3. Appropriate the benefits of Calvary (Gal. 3:13-14; 1 Pet. 1:18-19)
Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory, praise and honour Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I come before You today to surrender my life to Jesus and to renew my relationship with God. I reject and renounce every spell and curse, generational and self-imposed, ancestral and parental, witchcraft or diabolic attack, every limiting mindset and wrong utterance, fear and the wrong company that have resulted in captivity and bondage, I declare by the Blood of Jesus, they are renounced, Lord in Jesus’ Name!
Father, I ask for mercy and pardon for every curse, bondage and captivity that came on me by my own action, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Father, we arrest this scourge of evil; this scourge of evil shall not proceed anymore Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Father, we agree today to set on fire every demonic altar fighting our lives, families and destinies; oh you altars, catch fire now, in Jesus’ Name!
– Every devil looking for you shall go for you!
– Every strange arrow of disaster and destruction is retrieved and refired back to hell!
– Affliction will never rise up a second time!
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