The Best For The Last (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
October 2023 Worship, Word And Wonders Night – Friday 27th October 2023
Listen To The Best For The Last (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Download The Best For The Last (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
You can download The Best For The Last (1) here – Download The Best For The Last (1)
Anchor Scripture(s): Jeremiah 29:11
Message Topic: The Best For The Last (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
1. Understanding how God reserves the best for the last
2. Understanding how to take the best at the last
1. The end is designed to deliver expectations (Jer. 29:11)
Expectations, no matter how delayed, are programmed to be delivered at the end.
2. Visions are calculated to speak at the end (Hab. 2:3)
Visions may be received at the beginning but they speak at the end
The end is not designed to be quiet; the end is designed to be sound-full, news-full and positively noise-full
3. God does not release the best in a hurry; He releases the best gradually and eventually (Job 8:7; Eccl. 7:8)
The best may not come immediately and urgently but the best will come gradually and eventually
In the wedding in Cana of Galilee, the best wine did not come at the beginning, it came at the end
4. In God, the best is always ahead (Prov. 4:18)
The best is always yet to come
5. God is the Manufacturer of surprises; He’s a Specialist in taking the enemy by surprise (Mark 5:23, 35; John 11:21, 39)
When the enemy thinks he has one, then God shows up.
6. God works the most when man is at the end of himself, when man is at the end of his own effort (Luke 5:4-5)
Father, the stage is yours, have Your Way!
7. God works the most where maximum glory will go to Him (John 2:11)
God works the most where only He could have done what is done
1. Remain in faith expectation (Job 14:14; Hab. 2:3)
2. Remain in praise celebration (Rom. 4:20)
3. Remain in prayer intensification (Deut. 2:24)
4. Receive instructions to obey (John 2:5; Luke 5:4-5)
Father, I thank You for Your good plans and thoughts for my life and destiny in 2023. I take full delivery of those plans and thoughts in this season, Lord in Jesus Name – Jer. 29:11.
Father, I contend with every force or power of the enemy standing in the way of the release of my
possession in 2023. I command them to release my portion now in the Name of Jesus Christ – Deut. 2:24.
Father, I demand the earth to release all that belongs to me in 2023 now in the Name of Jesus Christ – Psalms 67:5-7.
Father, I ask that You open my ears to Your direction and instruction in this season that will connect me with my possession in 2023, Lord in Jesus Name – Luke 5:4-5.
In the Name of Jesus, every physical altar fighting my life and destiny, you are set on fire NOW!
In the Name of Jesus, every demonic altar/power fighting my life and destiny – anti-marital devil,
premature death devil, today is your end. GO!
In the Name of Jesus, every altar in the realm of the spirit fighting my life and destiny, you are set on fire now!
In the Name of Jesus, every other god trying to take the place of God in my life and destiny, CATCH FIRE NOW!
Father, today we ask that You the Consuming Fire will counter every shame, reproach, delay, affliction, challenge and everything that is not of You. Father, we ask that You who consumed Sodom and Gomorrah, that You will consume everything that is not of You in my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
– Everything that is not working in your life is working right now!
– Every life-threatening situation you came here with is returning to hell!
– This end of the year shall be full of positive sound/news/events!
– God is about to take the devil by surprise!
– Those who have concluded that your case is concluded will be shocked when the God Who Specialises in concluded cases steps in!
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