Servicing Through Service mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
KPGWC2023 – Healing And Deliverance Service – Day 1 – Tuesday, 21st November 2023
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Anchor Scripture(s): John 15:2; 1 Peter 2:9
Message Topic: Servicing Through Service mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
MESSAGE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the power of service to service the life of the servant
To serve is to be serviced by your service
Service causes the Master to service the body of the servant
There is a covenant of service where man releases service to God and God releases servicing to the body of the servant
When you are in service, you attract servicing.
If your family lineage has diabetes but they did not serve God the way you are serving God, then you are not permitted to suffer as they suffered or inherit that diabetes
There is a regeneration in service and a degeneration in disservice or underservice
There is a connection between dynamism and vitality
1. Soul winning Service (John 15:16; 15:2; Prov. 11:30)
2. Intercessory Service (Luke 2:36-37; Matt. 6:10)
Fast and pray for the pastor; pastor, fast and pray for the flock
Your prayer in the morning is not complete until you have prayed for the Kingdom (Matt. 6:10,33)
3. Seed or Giving Service (Ps. 22:30; Phil. 4:15-19; Luke 7:2-9; 2 Kings 4:9-10)
The service of seed can change your life in all realms
Anything that has not touched your treasure has not touched your heart
4. Tabernacle Service (Num. 4:4)
Don’t be an executive Christian; if you are trusting God to service your life, be donated to the service of God
1. Financial Servicing (Ex. 23:25)
2. Health Servicing (Ex. 23:25)
3. Fruitfulness Servicing (Ex. 23:26)
4. Life Servicing (longevity) (Ex. 23:26-27)
5. Preservation Servicing (Ex. 23:27)
1. Serve fervently (Rom. 12:11)
Let your fire kindle the fire of others and let your zeal kindle the zeal of others
2. Serve Joyfully (Deut. 28:47-48)
3. Serve Reverently (Heb. 12:28-29)
Don’t be a fraud, cheat or dupe and remain in service
Don’t be the reason why another person leaves the church
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I decree the release of the judgment of fire on every altar of premature death; today, you are set on fire NOW!
Every evil cycle, negative pattern of my life, family and lineage, today is your end; oh you evil cycle, by the Blood of Jesus, you are broken NOW!
Father, I have come before You today and I am asking for Your help in Kingdom service, help me Lord in soul winning, intercessory service, service of seed and giving, and in the service of the tabernacle, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I receive the grace to serve with fire and passion, to serve fervently, to serve with joy and to serve reverently; I receive that grace now, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I receive the dividends and servicing of my service – financial servicing, health servicing,
fruitfulness servicing, life servicing and preservation servicing; I receive all round servicing, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
– Any record anywhere that is likely to put your life under pressure and work against your life and destiny, I decree that record disappears!
– No devil will mock your faith in God!
– Every altar of death looking for you and looking for your family members is set on fire!
– Every family prison is broken and you are free!
– Your service of God will service your system!
– Any trace of affliction currently distracting you from the service of God is deleted!
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