Reason For Giving (2 & 3) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
February 2024 Impartation Service, Sunday 18th February 2024
Listen To Reason For Giving (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Download Reason For Giving (2) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Listen To Reason For Giving (3) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Download Reason For Giving (3) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche below:
Anchor Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 9:7
Message Topic: Reason For Giving (2 & 3) mp3 By Dr Paul Enenche
SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the purpose of giving, especially to God
5. Giving in acknowledgement of God’s Ownership of all things (1 Chron. 29:14; Ps. 24:1; 1 Cor. 4:7; Hag. 2:8)
6. Giving as an act of Love (John 3:16; 1 Cor. 13:4; Mark 12:29-30; 2 Cor. 8:7-8)
There is always giving in love (John 3:16)
People can fast and pray because they have a need from God but people give to God to confirm the sincerity of their love for God
A husband that cannot give his wife or father that can’t give to his children, that love is questionable
Love speaks, and the major language of love is giving.
Your greatest excitement in love is when you see the excitement of the one you love in response to your giving
7. Giving as an act of gratitude for the gift of Life (Job 33:4; Acts 17:25; Eccl. 9:4)
Life itself happens because God made it to happen
Every single possession you have came because you have life; nobody gives gifts to a dead man.
8. Giving in acknowledgement of our stewardship of God’s resources (Ps. 24:1; Gen. 2:8, 15; 1 Cor. 4:2; Gen. 41:40-43; Dan. 6:2; Exo. 12:36)
If the earth is the Lord’s then nobody owns anything
God wants to make you big, in charge of His property; He wants to make you influential but everything you are in charge of are still His (Gen. 41:40-43; Dan. 6:2)
God wants to make you big, but your bigness is HIS
God is saying “I will give you plenty but I want you to realize that you are not the owner”
Let the interest of God become more important than your interest and heaven will pick up your interest
Drop the ownership mentality and pick up the caretaker mentality
9. Giving as proof of mastery over money (Matt. 6:24; 1 Tim. 6:10, 17-19; Luke 12:15)
This is giving as a proof of conquest of greed and covetousness
You can serve God with mammon but you cannot serve God and serve mammon
When you are a money master, money has no grip over your life
The release of money in the direction of God and needy confirms that you have mastery over money
What makes you is not what you get, what makes you is what you give
10. Giving to be a Blessing and live in the Blessing (Gen. 12:2-3; Acts 20:35)
Nobody is truly blessed until they exist as blessings
You are not great until you exist as a channel of greatness
It is one thing to RECEIVE but it is a higher level to RELEASE
There is a joy of getting but there is a major joy of giving
1. Purpose brings pursuit and pursuit brings possession (Hab. 2:1-3)
2. Purpose brings favour and favour brings increase (2 Cor. 9:7; Dan. 1:8-9; Acts 2:47)
3. Purposeful giving guarantees the Blessing (Acts 20:35)
The Blessing is in the release
Father, I come before You today and I receive the grace of giving with the understanding of the purpose of giving; I receive it now Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I receive my portion of the miracles, signs and wonders that took place at the Healing and deliverance crusade; I receive my portion now Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I thank You for Your Word to me today. Thank You for the understanding of purpose in
giving. Thank You for the grace to be a giver and to give in generosity. Father, make me a blessing and I will be a blessing to my generation, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
– God is dealing with altars of failure, delay and drawbacks of history
– Whatever is yours, no devil can stop it
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