July 2020 Impartation Service mp3 [Part 1 & 2] Message by – Dr. Paul Enenche

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July 2020 Impartation Service mp3 [Part 1 & 2] Message by – Dr. Paul Enenche

July 2020 Impartation Service mp3 Message by – Dr. Paul Enenche is a power message by the senior pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

Download this message and don’t forget  to share  this powerful message titled  “Effective Prayer Components “by “Dr Paul Enenche

[Listen To “Effective Prayer Components  Part 1″ Audio below]
[Listen To “Effective Prayer Components  Part 2″ Audio below]
[Watch “Effective Prayer Components” video below] 


Dr. Paul Enenche
MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the various components for effective and productive praying
Many people pray but not many people see results; many people pray but not many people receive answers
In the physical world, every recipe is made up of various components; if the taste is to be accurate, the recipe must be followed. When the recipe is followed, the result is guaranteed. In the same manner, there are ingredients and components in prayer that guarantee results.
Chemical products have ingredients – solvents, solute, enzymes, colouring and flavouring agents etc. For as long as the ingredients are mixed in the same quantity, the results received will be the same. This is also the case with prayer.
1. A buoyant relationship with God (Matt. 6:9; Rom. 8:15)
1a. Relationship is the authentic basis for requests
Request of the Heavenly Father in the presence of relationship is called prayer
Request of the Heavenly Father in the absence of relationship is called begging
1b. Those who seek the Face of God get more results than those who seek His Hand
God is not looking for who will use Him, He is looking for who will respond to His love
If He does not know your voice in times of peace, He won’t respond to your voice in times of need
2. The consciousness of the faithfulness of God (Heb. 11:6; Isa. 45:19; Ps. 89:33-35; Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8)
2a. The knowledge that God has not called you to seek Him in vain empowers effective prayer (Isa. 45:19)
The knowledge that you are not wasting time in prayer seeking God is a basis for expectation
2b. The knowledge of the dependability and reliability of God imparts a confident assurance at the place of prayer
3. The revelation of the Word (John 15:7; 1Kings 18:36; Jer. 1:12; Hos. 14:2)
3a. The Word of God is fuel for prayer
Revelation is fuel for supplication and intercession; the more Word-loaded you are, the more target specific your prayer will be
The Word of God shows us examples of answered prayers, promises of answered prayers, and the attitude of God towards the prayer of His people
3b. The Word of God is a trigger for prayer
i. The Word of God arms you with prayer objectives and items; out of Scripture you know what to pray and how to pray it
ii. The Word of God reveals to you God’s expectation for your life and that naturally pushes you into supplication/intercession
iii. The Word of God is a trigger because it shows you the exploits and the results of the saints
4. The knowledge of God’s Will (1John 5:14-15; Matt. 6:19-10; Eph. 1:11)
Knowing what God wants to do is a fuel for prayer
4a. The Will of God is answered prayer that is waiting to be prayed
God looks for human vessels to partner with in order to bring His will to pass in the earth; you don’t need to beg God to do what was His own desire to do. God desired it before you discovered it
In every realm, prayer victory begins when the Will of God is known
When you know what God wants, prayer becomes fun; it becomes a hobby. You are no longer warring, you are now winning
4b. God does everything according to the counsel of His Will (Eph. 1:11)
When the Will is consulted and the Will is presented, the journey is exciting
‘Father, in the Name of Jesus, I receive the grace to align with Your Will in my life in all things’.
To follow His WILL is to end with the WIN
Alignment with His Will is alignment with victory
‘Father, I receive the grace to be aligned with Your Will in everything I do, in Jesus’ Name.’
5. Vibrant faith in God (Heb. 11:6; Jam. 1:6; Heb. 6:12; 2Cor. 4:13)
5a. The faith in prayer determines the weight of prayer
Length of prayer is important but faith of prayer is more important because it is faith that moves God, not length
The revelation that fuels conviction that pushes you into supplication and makes you take desperate action is what makes your prayer carry weight
5b. Faith is the arm that receives supplies from the Almighty in the world of the Spirit
Revelation leads to conviction which leads to declarations that manifest into positive action which result in manifestation and possession
Faith is not complete without positive action
1. Pray and expect results; refuse to pray just religiously or for the fulfilment of all righteousness
2. Pray passionately (Jam. 5:17)
Praying passionately is not the volume of the prayer but the intensity of the prayer
Father, thank You for today, thank You for Your Word to me today, I know that my life can never remain the same. Be Thou glorified, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I ask today that Your rule and Your reign be established in my life, family, destiny, in the work of my hands, in the church, Dunamis, the nation, Nigeria, in our generation and in our world. Father, we ask that the rule and the reign of the enemy be overthrown, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I ask for Your perfect Will, Plan and Purpose for my life, family, destiny, the church, Dunamis, the nation, Nigeria, and our generation to be established, in Jesus’ Name. Right now, I decree that the agenda of the devil concerning my life, family, destiny, the church, Dunamis, the nation, Nigeria, and our generation be frustrated and cancelled NOW!
Father, upon my life, family, destiny, the work of my hands, the church, Dunamis, the nation, Nigeria, and our generation, mercy! Let Your mercy speak for us and swallow up the wrath of the enemy, in Jesus’ Name. (Lam. 3:22-23)
Thank you Lord for answered prayers. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
When we come into the Presence of God, people and things are changed just like the rod of Moses.
– What is in your hands becomes a miracle a testimony in Jesus’ Name!
– Before this week is out, what is in your hands shall produce for you a testimony and give you and answer!
– Whatever is your expectation for what is in your hands, I decree the release of that expectation NOW!
– Whatever is your expectation, I declared it is released!
– The change you are waiting for just arrived!
– Wisdom, guidance and sensitivity in the spirit that will deliver you from disaster is released upon you right now!
– You shall not die before your time!
– I decree the arrest of the rule and reign of the enemy in your life and destiny
– I decree the establishment of the rule and throne f God in your life and destiny!
– There is the arrest of the spirit of death. In this season, that arrow is arrested and returned back to hell!
– There is an arrest on an attack on someone’s marriage!
– Any bodily pain, affliction and disease, is retrieved and refired back to sender!
– This week is your week!
– Miracle favours and miracle releases are coming your way this week!
– Every spirit of death looking for you or your loved ones is returned back to hell! You shall fulfil your days!
– The last time the devil harassed you or your loved ones shall be the last time forever
– The last time you experienced an abortion is the last forever!

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