Hindrances To The Lifestyle of Prayer – by Dr. Paul Enenche
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Dr. Paul Enenche
MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Identifying factors that hinder effective and productive praying
Most people know about prayer and praying but not everybody prays. Few people pray and of the few that pray, few pray effectively and productively. This is because there are hindrances to effective and productive praying.
1. The attitude of self-sufficiency (2Cor. 3:4-5; Jer. 17:5-6)
1a. It is the confirmation of independence of God
1b. It is a situation where people assume things happen for them by chance
1c. It is the situation where people assume that their gifts, abilities and resources are responsible for their results
Self-sufficiency leads to sudden disaster (Jer. 17:5-6)
2. The arrival mentality (Rev. 3:16-17; Luke 15:13-15)
2a. The inability to stand the test of the Blessing
2b. The inability to stand the test of success
There is a spirituality of adversity where a person is very ‘fireful’ and prayerful when they have little, that is not true spirituality
If you really want to know who a person is, give them power – Abraham Lincoln
God is looking for those who will still be fireful when he takes them from nothing to billionaires
When prosperity destroys spirituality, it invites calamity
Opportunity and prosperity should increase your spiritual intensity
The reason why God has not blessed so many people is because He does not want to lose them
Anything you did to get to any realm in God, you must continue to do to remain there and go up
3. Discouragement from delay (Luke 18:1; Eccl. 3:11; Job 14:14; John 1:5; Job 42:10)
When answers delay in coming, people become slack at the place of prayer
3a. Prayer is not just a platform to get things from God, it is a platform to service your relationship with God
3b. Prayer is a platform for the rekindling of spiritual fire and fervency, especially praying in the Holy Ghost
3c. Delay with God does not imply refusal or denial
3c i. Maybe there is a timing issue (Eccl. 3:11)
3c ii. Maybe there is a process issue
Maybe what you are trusting God for is ready for you but you are not ready for it
3c iii. Maybe there is a test of conviction and persistence (Job 14:14)
3c iv. Maybe there is light or insight failure (John 1:5)
3c v. Maybe there is a direction issue (Job 42:10)
Maybe there is a strategic step that must be taken
4. The life of compromise and guilt (Prov. 28:1)
Sinfulness and prayerfulness are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed
4a. Sinful living makes prayer flow difficult
4b. Sinful living punctures confidence and boldness at the place of prayer
4c. Sinful living invites satanic resistance (Zech. 3:1-4)
5. The lack of discipline and diligence (Gen. 19:27; Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10)
Diligence brings excellence; discipline undergirds destiny
A functional spiritual life requires diligence and discipline
The most important things of life require discipline
Where there is no discipline there is no destiny; where there is no diligence there is no excellence
6. Lack of fire and passion (Rom. 12:11; Amos 6:1; Prov. 4:23)
Prayerfulness equals firefulness
6a. Your intake affects your fire
Be careful what you take in, it determines your outflow
7. Lack of faith and trust in God (Heb. 11:6; Acts 12:1-8; 1Pet. 5:7)
You cannot pray doubting and expect answers from God
7a. Faith is fired by light and insight
One of the highest realms of faith is to sleep on the devil; don’t allow the devil to cause you to lose your sleep
When you go to rest, God goes to work, and the rest is the function of the revelation
Father, thank You for Your Word to me tonight. I receive light, revelation and insight from Your Word tonight, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Father, that revelation, light and insight that will cause me to sleep on the devil and awake with results, send it to me Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I connect with that revelation that will give me with rest and connect me to results; open my eyes, ears and understanding to that revelation that will bring me results in Jesus’ Name.
Father, the sun is hot over our nation, send us help! Send help to Nigeria, o Lord, in Jesus’ Name. (1Sam. 11:9)
Father, the sun is hot over Nigeria, the sun of insecurity, kidnapping, terrorism, poverty and corruption is hot over Nigeria, open our gates! Father, we ask that this siege be over forever, in Jesus’ Name. (Neh. 7:3a)
Father, the sun is hot over Nigeria, send us help; break this siege and visit us. Visit my life, my family, the church and the nation. Send us Divine visitation, o Lord, in Jesus’ Name. (Gen. 18:1)
Communion of Divine intervention for our lives, our families and our nation
– That revelational light that will give you genuine sleep is coming your way tonight!
– Everything my Father in Heaven has not planted in your body is flushed out now!
– Whatever belongs to you in July shall not cross over into August! You shall cross over without any carryover!
– The spirit of death is arrested! The spirit of barrenness is arrested!
– An ancestral curse has just been broken!
– You shall not bury your loved ones before their time!
Your delay is over!
The grace to be diligent is released upon your life!
– Fresh fire is released upon you!
– Faith in God has shifted to another level!